Saturday, November 22, 2008

Blogging For Fun And Profit

Did you know that the blogging phenomena is producing fantastic results and great financial gains for bloggers on-line? Some savvy affiliate program bloggers are earning incomes in excess of $3,000 per month. And you can certainly cash in on some of the profit if you have the motivation to do so.

So exactly what is a Blog? Blog is short for web-log. It could be considered an on-line journal where you could write about a number of subjects. You could write about your life, a hobby, or anything that you want to write about freely. You can post anything you want on your blog like videos, articles, games, banners, or anything imaginable and have an audience read what you have written. If you like writing you may want to investigate blogging.

There are free blogging services that you can sign up to like Blogger which is run by Google or Word-Press. These services are free and offer an introduction to blogging for the beginning blogger, but if you are really serious about blogging it is best to have your blog hosted on your own domain along with your own domain name. Why? Because you will be in complete control of your blog and will not face having your blog removed for various reasons -- one being spam. Yes, your blog could be removed by being considered a "spam blog."

Other reasons that you may want to consider hosting your own blog is that you will have access to a lot more tools usually referred to as plug-ins and templates that will help you with SEO (search engine optimization) thus helping you get get more traffic to your blog. And hosting your own blog and domain improves your search engine ranking and you will appear more professional and build more credibility. It also helps to build confidence and trust of your reader.

Another great reason to blog is that blogs create instantaneous links on Google, Yahoo and MSN. If you set your blog up properly you can have your posts listed on theses search engines within days. It will be easier for you to dominate a niche market as well with the proper research and preparation. And if you utilize the proper web 2.0 sites and social book-marking sites you will be able to generate massive amounts of traffic to your blog.

When considering whether or not to set up your blog you must ask yourself if you are going to be committed to posting to your blog regularly. The key element that your blog must have is relevant content. You can write the articles yourself or you can have someone write the articles for you and pay for them.

If you already have a website you may want to consider combining a website and blog which offers a number of great advantages in terms of traffic generation, marketing and efficiency that a lone website cannot offer. Because blogs do not require any technical knowledge or programming, HTML or FTP (unless you are hosting it yourself), it is the easiest and cheapest way to set up an on-line web presence. All you have to do is write your content and publish it with a push of the button.

Blogs also offer interaction between you and your readers. They employ a function where your readers can comment on your articles or thoughts by replying to a particular piece you have written. This allows you to recommend products or services to your readers more easily and they will be more willing to accept your offer because you have not given them a sales-pitch but rather relevant information on their subject of interest. And the more frequently you update your site, the more frequently the search-engines will visit your site. Additionally, you can place links to other websites on your blog and they will get indexed quickly by the search engines.

A most powerful feature of a blog is that most of them have RSS feeds as a built-in function. Once it is turned on as an RSS feed you can syndicate your content and have others receive your posts via their RSS newsreader; thereby gaining potential clients and additional traffic. You can also allow other website owners to publish your feed on their website gaining free traffic you would not otherwise have. Additionally, you can submit your feed to the major RSS directories and search engines again gaining even more free traffic and exposure.

This Article Blogging For Fun And Profit is brought to you by Affiliate Marketing And Business Opportunities

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